
Manage your TokenSight integrated wallets.

When you create a TokenSight account, the platform automatically generates a Simple Wallet for you. You have full control over that wallet, and can easily back it up with a single click by exporting the private key in the Settings dialog.

It is recommended to always export and backup the integrated wallets you use on the platform.

You can also create new Simple or self-custodial Secure Wallets (recommended) in the dashboard, and you can have up to 20 wallets. Read more about wallet security in the Secure Wallets page.

In the coming months we will rollout our Smart Account wallets, which would boost security of your funds and avoid private key management overhead.

Wallets Dashboard

You can access the Wallets Dashboard by clicking on the Wallets section.

You need to make sure you have a certain native balance in the wallet to cover for gas fees while submitting a trade. If an order fails right away, it means that the funds in your wallet are not enough to cover for gas.

At the wallets page, for each wallet you can:

  • view the native balance

  • view the address

  • backup the private key or the seed phrase

  • deposit native and ERC20/SPL tokens

  • withdraw native and ERC20/SPL tokens.

The initial Wallets Dashboard displays the account status in native as well as the ERC20/SPL token balances. You can withdraw the available native currency or any ERC-20/SPL token in a wallet of your choice.

Last updated